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How does a married woman get HPV? Leave a comment

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Cervical screening procedures have seen substantial development in recent years. These days, this is significantly affecting the lives of women. The change is the result of a novel method that detects the human papillomavirus (HPV). As many people are aware, HPV is mostly to blame for all incidences of cervical cancer. 

The goal of this innovative testing strategy, known as HPV primary screening, is to locate women who are most likely to acquire cervical cancer. In addition, high-risk HPV strains must be screened for before cervical cell alterations may be detected.

While this modification represents a substantial advance in identifying people who are most at risk of getting cervical cancer, it also implies that more women are receiving a positive cervical cancer diagnosis.

Also Read: HPV in Men – The Most Common STI

How is HPV caused in married women?

Even while being married does not guarantee that you will not develop HPV, there are several risk factors that might raise your risk. These risk factors are:

  • Being with multiple sexual partners.

  • Engaging in sexual intercourse at a very young age.

  • Being with a partner who had multiple sexual partners.

  • Women with low immune systems.

It is essential to remember that HPV can spread not just during sexual activity but also through skin-to-skin contact. Because of this, even if you only had one sexual partner, you might still be at risk if that person has HPV or has had past sexual partners. Regular Pap smears and HPV tests are essential for all women, regardless of age, as some HPV strains can cause cervical cancer.

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In conclude

As a married woman, there are other variables that might raise your risk of HPV in addition to sexual behavior and history. Smoking, a family history of sexually transmitted diseases, and specific illnesses like HIV or AIDS are a few of them.

Also Read: Common Signs and Symptoms of HIV Infection

Additionally, studies have revealed that women with immune systems that are weakened, such as those who are receiving chemotherapy or organ transplant recipients, may also be more susceptible to HPV. In order to take the proper preventative steps, married women should be aware of the above risks and talk to their healthcare physician about them.

Latika Rajput

Written by

Latika Rajput

Registered Nurse & Midwifery



Jan 2023

117 posts

Latika has wide experience as a health content writer. She studies various research and health blogs to make sure her writing is accurate and helpful.

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